Law Enforcement Forensics


Law Enforcement Forensics

Accelerate evidence delivery to examiners with MDRM. Reduce processing delays and case backlogs by leveraging the efficiency of the FTK Suite, expediting data analysis and enabling quicker apprehension of perpetrators. MDRM's processing engine, coupled with its intuitive interface, empowers investigators to swiftly review diverse artifacts within a unified solution, facilitating the discovery of crucial evidence and the pursuit of truth.

MDRM Digital Forensics Workflow Solutions: Enhancing Investigative Capabilities

Empower your investigations with MDRM Digital Forensics Workflow Solutions, leveraging the versatile capabilities of MDRM across a spectrum of digital inquiries. Whether unraveling cases involving CSAM, narcotics, or fraud, MDRM equips your team with the tools and resources necessary to navigate diverse investigative challenges effectively. With the comprehensive functionalities of MDRM seamlessly integrated into the platform, investigators can streamline their workflows, expedite analysis processes, and uncover critical insights swiftly. Gain a competitive edge in your investigations and bolster your team's capacity to pursue justice with confidence.

MDRM Forensic Toolkit

MDRM sets the benchmark in digital forensics, offering unparalleled capabilities in processing, parsing, reviewing, and reporting computer and mobile evidence.


For large-scale investigations, tackle massive data sets collaboratively in a scalable environment with MDRM.

MDRM Central

Accelerate investigation velocity with centralized evidence and streamlined forensic review on an accessible web-based platform offered by MDRM, fostering cost-effective collaboration.

MDRM Connect

Automate essential workflows such as evidence processing, case creation, searches, labeling, and exports seamlessly with MDRM, without requiring user interaction or complex scripting.

MDRM Imager

MDRM's data preview and imaging tool enable rapid assessment of electronic evidence, creation of hash reports, and mounting of images.

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